February 5, 2025

Immigration Bill A Costly Solution Without A Problem

Congress is hard at work putting together massively complex and costly legislation to solve the “illegal immigration” problem at the Mexican American border.  As the Immigration Bill Gathers Momentum, it is becoming apparent that the bill will be an incredibly costly effort to solve a problem that no longer exists and America will become the […]

Why Bother Voting When Unelected Bureaucrats With Lifetime Jobs Run The Country?

Nothing is more aggravating, self defeating and humiliating than dealing with government bureaucrats.  This vast army of government bureaucrats has become a fourth unelected branch of government with life time employment and zero accountability, pouring sand into the gears of commerce, free enterprise and human freedoms.  One scandal after another hits the news with the […]

Air Travel Delays Result of Reprehensible Conduct By White House and Congress

The growing disruption of airline flights in the U.S. is causing economic problems for an economy that does not need more problems, especially from a crisis manufactured by the President and Congress.  Pulling critical air traffic controllers off their screens and telling them to stay home will at some point jeopardize public safety. What will […]

Government Forces Woman To Stop Having Sex

On the lighter side, these two powerful images aptly summarize a point of view with very few words.   The last three crazy shooters.

Iraq Kicks Out U.S. Oil Companies & Welcomes China After 5,000 American Battle Deaths

The cost of the United States engaging in two wars with Iraq has piled up an immense stack of bills that our great grandchildren will still be paying off.  The total bill for the latest U.S. military adventure, including direct, future and indirect costs, is estimated at $4 trillion dollars.  Direct cost include amounts already […]

U.S. Says 15 Ton Bunker Busting Bomb Upgraded And Ready For Action

The heaviest non-nuclear bomb in the U.S. arsenal, specifically designed as a “bunker-buster,”  has been ungraded according to the Pentagon.  Recent improvements to the 30,000 pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator allow the bomb to penetrate an astonishing 200 feet underground before exploding.  The hardened steel casing on the bomb weighs about 25,000 pounds which allows deep […]

Americans Can’t Seem To Agree On Anything – Goodbye E Pluribus Unum

“United we stand, divided we fall” has long been a symbol of American achievement.  One nation, formed from many different cultures, races and ancestries always seemed to share a core set of values which allowed America to become the predominant world power.  Today, we seemed to have reversed the Latin phrase E Pluribus Unum that […]

The Greater Fool Theory On Presidents and Voters

The voters have spoken but what have they said? The following view on how the U.S. is viewed by one Czech analyst appeared on Peter Grandich’s website.  Never underestimate the power of the American public to vote with their pocketbooks while ignoring the larger fundamental economic issues which ultimately threaten the wealth of all Americans.  […]

How Did Americans Feed Themselves Before Food Stamps?

We can pretend not to see it but something is very wrong when 45 million people or almost 15% of the entire population of the U.S. allegedly can’t earn enough money to feed themselves.  Is the explosion in the food stamp program a result of fighting hunger in America or is it the result of […]