February 11, 2025

Police Lie Under Oath Because They Can

The United States carries the dubious distinction of imprisoning more of its citizens than any other country on earth.  While our ambassadors and Secretary of State roam the planet dispensing endless advice to other countries on how they can improve their societies, we remain blind to our own shortcomings on human rights. There is something […]

Baseball Great Clemens Faces 30 Years In Prison – Don’t Fed Prosecutors Have Better Things To Do?

Baseball great, 48 year old Roger Clemens, faces the equivalent of a death sentence with the threat of a 30 year prison term after being indicted for making false statements, obstruction and felony perjury.   The indictment follows an inquiry into Mr. Clemen’s alleged use of steroids, during which Mr. Clemens flatly denied ever using […]

How The US Justice System Turns Jaywalkers Into Violent Criminals

The fact that the United States imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation on earth has been previously discussed – see United States – A Nation of Criminals. There are approximately 2.3 million Americans in jail, equivalent to 1 out of every 100 Americans.  America has in its jails almost 25% of the […]

United States – A Nation Of Criminals

Law and Order, or A System Gone Berserk? The statistics on the number of  Americans incarcerated are truly eye catching, especially when compared to other nations. There are approximately 2.3 million Americans in jail, equivalent to 1 out of every 100 Americans.  America has in its jails almost 25% of the entire prison population in […]