Baseball great, 48 year old Roger Clemens, faces the equivalent of a death sentence with the threat of a 30 year prison term after being indicted for making false statements, obstruction and felony perjury. The indictment follows an inquiry into Mr. Clemen’s alleged use of steroids, during which Mr. Clemens flatly denied ever using […]
Baseball Great Clemens Faces 30 Years In Prison – Don’t Fed Prosecutors Have Better Things To Do?
Our Love-Hate Relationship With Illegal Immigrants
Deluged by the arrival of nonstop illegal immigrants, Arizona recently passed legislation to deal with the problem. Arizona was forced to take action after efforts by the Federal government to address illegal immigration were perceived as ineffective and indifferent. Arizona’s new law quickly became controversial. The Obama administration immediately condemned Arizona and acted swiftly […]
White House Claims $787 Billion Stimulus “Created” 3 Million Jobs – At A Cost Of $262,333 Per Job
The White House Council of Economic Advisers today proudly praised the $787 billion stimulus program, claiming that it had created or saved 2.5 to 3.6 million jobs. Without bothering to debate how the Council arrived at its estimate of jobs saved or created, lets take the average of their estimated jobs (3.05 million) and divide […]
The Declaration Of Independence – An Expression Of The American Mind
Thomas Jefferson, primary writer of the Declaration Of Independence, explains why the American Colonies viewed separation from England was inevitable: Believe me, dear Sir: there is not in the British empire a man who more cordially loves a union with Great Britain than I do. But, by the God that made me, I will cease […]
America To President – Stop Killing Our Economic Future
Public Angst Grows Recent polls indicate increasing disaffection with the economic and social policies being forced upon the American public by the controllers in Washington. The American public thought that they voted for “change” but what we seem to be getting is micro management and obtrusive government interference into our lives. The imperial Washington power […]
Obama Says We Can Do With Health Care What We Did With The Post Office – What?
Postal Service Poor Analogy Now we know why the President usually does not say much without the Teleprompter in front of him; why in the world would you mention the Post Office when trying to convince America that the government should take over the health care system? The Post Office is a prime example of […]
Senator Dodd – Not Fit For Service – Lies Won’t Change The Facts
Disturbing Pattern of Lies, Corruption And Special Interests Senator Dodd’s re-election campaign seems to be based on the following strategy: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”. Senator Dodd is running ads that try to portray him as Joe Six Pack, always ready to pitch in […]
Why It Takes 20 Years To Expand An Airport
Lost American Initiative Whatever happened to the “can do” attitude that allowed this country to put a man on the moon when such a feat was perceived possible only in science fiction movies? Essential and long overdue improvements to US infrastructure now take decades as work is delayed by bickering special interest groups, mindless bureaucrats […]