March 18, 2025

Obama – Is The Infatuation Justified?

President On A Roll It seems as if the President is enjoying an extended honeymoon with both the press and voters, while the Republicans remain disarrayed and powerless.   Public optimism and confidence is surging based on the hope that the steps taken by the Obama administration will lead to brighter economic days.  The voters and […]

The Fallacy of Government Running Businesses

Business Discovers Drawbacks to Government Aid The banking industry, the insurance industry and finally the auto industry have taken their turn with government money controlled by the Obama administration under the premise that they were all too big to fail.  The bankers and insurance executives are finding out how difficult it is to return the TARP money, […]

Powell Whacks Cheney, Obama Moves To Center and Judges Go Into Hiding

Powell Challenges Cheney May 25 (Bloomberg) — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell challenged former Vice President Dick Cheney and talk show host Rush Limbaugh over the future of the Republican Party, saying it must be more inclusive or “watch the world go by.” “If we don’t reach out more, the party is going to […]

Sanction Of The Victim – Part 4

Thought Provoking Links Obama – A Jump to the Left, A Step to the Right In a front-page analysis, the NYT notes that Obama is taking “a nuanced set of positions that fall somewhere between George W. Bush and the American Civil Liberties Union.”  But the truth is that the combination of harshly criticizing Bush-era […]

Karl Rove Shreds Obama

American Dream Turning Into A Nightmare Hard questions are being asked as we confront major issues that will challenge  our concepts of traditional American culture and society.   The ongoing financial crisis is exposing the myth that America has no fiscal limitations  and is  able to provide the benefits, wealth and security that many believe […]

Inside The Mind Of Barack Obama

The Logic of Empathy How Obama Is Like Spock President Obama has seen the new Star Trek movie. “Everybody was saying I was Spock, so I figured I should check it out,” he told Newsweek. Obama is often compared to Spock because he never gets too hot or too cool and speaks in the careful […]

The Debt Bomb – Has Saving Us Today Destroyed Our Future?

Can debt create prosperity? A common question asked these days is,  if too much debt caused the financial  crisis, how can more debt solve the problem?  Most American families know that their basic problem is too little income and too much debt.  Common sense tells us that unless debt is balanced by inceasing income to […]

Sanction Of The Victim Part 3

Thought Provoking Links Socialism Coming Back To Haunt U.S. America is more than a country; it is the ideal of liberty. In economic terms, liberty translates into the entrepreneurial spirit of hard work, risk taking and self-reliance. And this spirit has made America rich beyond compare. Unfortunately, over the past four decades, much has been […]

Sanction Of The Victim Part 2

Thought Provoking Links Change?  You Asked For It Even some loyal Democrats are feeling queasy about what will happen if, as seems likely, Al Franken wins the endless dispute over that Senate seat from Minnesota. With Arlen Specter’s recent conversion, that would give the Democrats 60 seats, or three-fifths of the Senate, which is a […]