March 16, 2025

Debt Settlement Firms Often Put Consumers In Worse Position

It seems so compelling – make a simple phone call and a debt settlement company will take it from there by negotiating down your debts and making you debt free in just a couple of years.  Most consumers, at their own peril, never seem able to remember the maxim that “if it sounds too good […]

Elderly Parents Get Caught In Student Loan Debt Trap

The mantra of “go to college, graduate and get a good paying job” has lured countless numbers of young Americans into borrowing ridiculous amounts of money to attend college.  Borrowing money to invest in education becomes a specious theory when a majority of graduating students wind up being unable to find a job or are […]

Romney Has Big Bird In His Crosshairs

Everyone needs a laugh now and then – here’s a funny graphic from eb-misfit on Mitt Romney’s vow to do in Big Bird.

The 5 Best and 5 Worst Dow Stocks Since 2007

Sell in panic and repent in leisure.  I have stopped trying to keep track of the number of people who have related to me that they will never buy stocks again after getting decimated in the financial panic crash of 2008.  From a peak of 14,164 on October 9, 2007, the Dow Jones crashed by […]

Citibank Credit Card Site Down – Full Scale Hacker Attack?

Good luck to anyone trying to access their Citi credit card online.  Since at least early Sunday evening, online access to credit card holders has been impossible.  The only explanation from Citi for the site being down is a short notice, as follows: SPECIAL NOTICE: Portions of our website are currently being affected by intermittent […]

Your Next Job Interview Will Be With A Computer

Forget about all the old metrics the next time you are searching for a job.  Time tested hiring practices that used to evaluate candidates based on prior job history, expertise and personal interviews are being thrown out the window.  Believe it or not, the new approach for hiring an employee is to let powerful computer […]

Allen West On Why Democracies Are Self Destructive – Free Everything Cannot Work

Mitt Romney raised a firestorm with his comments about the large number of Americans relying on government handouts for survival.  Adding to the debate, Congressman Allen West of Florida penned a thoughtful reply which concludes that the country cannot survive unlimited dependency. By Rep. Allen West WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Gov. Mitt Romney’s comments about the […]

What Is The Value Of Paper Currency?

Central banks around the world have initiated a policy of virtually unlimited quantitative easing (money printing).  Does anyone expect the value of paper money to retain its purchasing power as central banks print endless amounts of new paper money out of thin air? Gold and Silver Blog Japan Joins The QE Race – Who Can […]

Where Does Subway Get Its Tomatoes From?!

It’s happened twice now in the last week at two different Subway stores located 25 miles apart from each other.  Half green tomatoes that taste like cardboard and have zero visual appeal.  You be the judge – below is the photo of my Subway sandwich and normal tomatoes from Stop & Shop placed next to […]

Mitt Romney Has Done More Than Any Other Individual Or Organization To Ensure An Obama Victory

Mitt Romney continues to dazzle the American public with one of the most disorganized and self destructive presidential campaigns in recent memory. On Monday, Politico revealed that the Romney campaign was in total disarray with infighting by advisers and aides after Romney’s disastrous and meandering convention speech.  Stuart Stevens, the top strategist of the Romney […]