January 2, 2025

The Greater Fool Theory On Presidents and Voters

The voters have spoken but what have they said? The following view on how the U.S. is viewed by one Czech analyst appeared on Peter Grandich’s website.  Never underestimate the power of the American public to vote with their pocketbooks while ignoring the larger fundamental economic issues which ultimately threaten the wealth of all Americans.  […]

How Did Americans Feed Themselves Before Food Stamps?

We can pretend not to see it but something is very wrong when 45 million people or almost 15% of the entire population of the U.S. allegedly can’t earn enough money to feed themselves.  Is the explosion in the food stamp program a result of fighting hunger in America or is it the result of […]

Allen West On Why Democracies Are Self Destructive – Free Everything Cannot Work

Mitt Romney raised a firestorm with his comments about the large number of Americans relying on government handouts for survival.  Adding to the debate, Congressman Allen West of Florida penned a thoughtful reply which concludes that the country cannot survive unlimited dependency. By Rep. Allen West WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Gov. Mitt Romney’s comments about the […]

Mitt Romney Has Done More Than Any Other Individual Or Organization To Ensure An Obama Victory

Mitt Romney continues to dazzle the American public with one of the most disorganized and self destructive presidential campaigns in recent memory. On Monday, Politico revealed that the Romney campaign was in total disarray with infighting by advisers and aides after Romney’s disastrous and meandering convention speech.  Stuart Stevens, the top strategist of the Romney […]

If You Don’t Have Rich Parents, Forget About Being Successful?

For many people, America no longer seems like the land of unparalleled opportunities.  The mainstream press seems to be full of stories about people losing their jobs, college graduates moving back in with their parents and broken down penniless retirees forced to eat Alpo for supper. The entire world seems to currently be in a […]

It’s The Debt Stupid – Economic Growth Is Suffocated By Excessive Government Borrowing

Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, in their best selling book, This Time Is Different, have examined sovereign debt defaults over the past eight centuries from around the globe.  Based on their in depth analytical studies, the authors conclude that large scale financial crises such as 2008 inevitably lead to ruinous increases in government borrowing and […]

America – More Of A Welfare State Than We Admit

America has become more of a welfare state than most of us would care to admit as Robert Samuelson details in a recent article.  The shock to many will come when it becomes obvious that the promises made by Government are so large that they simply cannot be kept. Washington Post – Raised in an […]