September 8, 2024

How to Identify Counterfeit Currency – It’s Harder Than You Think

If someone slipped you a counterfeit bill, would you be able to identify it?  Although the government constantly adds new security features to United States currency, counterfeiting continues to increase.  The Secret Service, which is responsible for safeguarding the nation’s currency and payments system, has admitted that counterfeiting remains a threat to the nation’s economy […]

Confidence In Central Banks Collapsing – The Next Financial Crisis Could Spin Out Of Control

In response to the financial crisis, massive debt burdens and slow economic growth since 2008, the world’s central banks have engaged in unprecedented monetary intervention.  Short term interest rates have been suppressed by  to levels barely above zero and central banks have purchased trillions of dollars of government debt securities to finance governments already staggering […]

Chinese Stock Market Collapses 67% Despite Massive Stimulus Programs

The debate over whether or not government stimulus spending (financed by borrowing) is effective in reviving post crash economies rages on in the U.S.  Despite the anemic economic recovery, proponents of deficit spending postulate that things would have been much worse without it.  Opponents of massive deficit spending insist that the problems are merely being […]

Why The Yen Could Collapse – Japan On The Knife’s Edge

By Axel Merk Because of Japan’s massive public debt burden, pundits have called for the demise of the Japanese yen for years. Are the yen’s fortunes finally changing? Our analysis shows that the days of the yen being perceived as a safe haven may soon be over. Let us elaborate. So many foreign exchange (“FX”) […]

The Entire Eurozone Has Entered The Dark World Of Economic Depression

Both governments and banks are insolvent across Europe.  The only finger in the dike that is preventing a broad economic collapse is the rampant printing of money by the European Central Bank.  Unfortunately, printing money has never resulted in economic prosperity, it simply delays the final collapse of insolvent governments.  Depression levels of unemployment throughout […]

What Is The Value Of Paper Currency?

Central banks around the world have initiated a policy of virtually unlimited quantitative easing (money printing).  Does anyone expect the value of paper money to retain its purchasing power as central banks print endless amounts of new paper money out of thin air? Gold and Silver Blog Japan Joins The QE Race – Who Can […]

The National Debt Will Probably Hit $16 Trillion By The Time You Read This

The national debt has become the biggest threat to America’s future financial security.  No one has a workable solution on reducing the debt.  Where we go from here is anyone’s guess but throughout history, the consequences for hopelessly over indebted nations has been the same – outright default or massive money printing that ultimately destroyed […]