March 14, 2025

The Connection Between The Fiscal Cliff And Deer Infestation

“Words are plentiful but deeds are precious” – Unknown Has America become paralyzed by discussion, litigation and the inability to compromise or have we simply lost that precious commodity known as common sense? If we can’t solve minor problems, how can we ever hope to resolve festering problems that profoundly threaten the future welfare of […]

Banks As Victims? Desperate Banks Fall For Classic Con Game

By Bill Zielinski Reprinted with permission from This post should trigger a snicker from many consumers who feel that they are victims of the banking industry.  In a new twist, banks themselves are now at the top of the list for many con men One would think that with the increased regulatory scrutiny of […]

Ridiculous Media Hype On Poverty Levels Miss The Real Issues

According to Yahoo Finance, the number of Americans living in poverty is approaching levels not seen in 40 years. The latest Census numbers won’t be released until the fall, but economists surveyed by the AP project that the poverty rate will climb from 2010’s 15.1% and reach a level as high as 15.7%. This will […]

It’s The Debt Stupid – Economic Growth Is Suffocated By Excessive Government Borrowing

Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, in their best selling book, This Time Is Different, have examined sovereign debt defaults over the past eight centuries from around the globe.  Based on their in depth analytical studies, the authors conclude that large scale financial crises such as 2008 inevitably lead to ruinous increases in government borrowing and […]

Jet Blue Had A Mentally Insane Pilot Flying Their Planes

Travel can sometimes be unnerving even to seasoned travelers.  We have all grown accustomed to flight delays, being groped and patted down by overzealous TSA agents,  bad weather, unpalatable airline food, long lines, high prices and occasionally an insane fellow traveler who disrupts a flight.  But an insane pilot at the controls of an Airbus […]

Gadhafi Dead – Now Libyans Can Get On With The Business Of Killing Each Other

One by one, nearly every country in the  Middle East has seen violent uprising by citizens eager to overthrow the existing government.  Many Americans, driven perhaps by nostalgic thoughts about America’s own birth from violent revolution, have concluded that something beneficent was happening in the Libyan uprising. Gadhafi is dead and Libyans are celebrating, but […]

Solyndra Solar – Government At Its Worst, Ruling Without The Consent Of The Governed

The latest Rasmussen poll shows only a minuscule 6% approval rating of Congress by the American public, the worst approval rating on record.  Skepticism runs wide and deep that Congress is able to improve the life of the average American.  Only 9% of voters think Congress can make a positive difference and the latest outrageous […]

Americans Need A Vacation From Obama

World financial markets are imploding, unemployment is at depression levels, the economy is slipping into recession and the world banking system is beginning to collapse.  Who in the world would want to tackle this mess instead of going on vacation? Obama playing golf with wealthy pals in Martha’s Vineyard while the country is spiraling down […]

Obama’s Speech On Financial Crisis Will Plunge Us Into Depression

Crippling debt and deficits have lead the global economy to the precipice.  Finances of world governments since the financial crisis have dramatically deteriorated and confidence in paper money has reached a new low.  Equity markets are crashing while gold (the barometer of trust in paper money) soars. As we stare into the abyss, President Obama […]

Obama’s Wierd Philosophy On Business Is Killing Job Growth

It’s a routine event to be excoriated by your enemies – you laugh it off and consider the source.  When harsh criticism comes from your friends, however, it should be a wake up call to reassess positions. Barrick Obama’s wake up call came when Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts recently let loose some very […]