March 15, 2025

US Postal Service Endangers Its Own Survival With Higher Postal Rates

United State Postal Service Goes Postal On Rate Increases Well, here they go again – another 2 cent or 4.5% increase in the cost of a first class stamp.  The recent history of postal rate increases by the USPS has been on a sharp upward trajectory (courtesy: History of United States domestic first class […]

As Obama Administration Obstructs Cleanup Of Gulf Oil Disaster, Some See Dark Motives

Government Thwarts Oil Cleanup – Incompetence or Calculated Political Decision? It has been over two months since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico on April 22, 2010.  Estimates of the amount of crude oil gushing into the Gulf range from 60,000 to 100,000 barrels a day causing an […]

Half The Members Of Congress Are Millionaires – Elite Rulers Out Of Touch With Reality

Leaders Out Of Touch With Economic Reality Politico reports that almost half the members of Congress are millionaires compared to just 1% of the subject population that they rule.   Could this be one of the reasons why the Washington elite is so out of touch with the concerns of the average American? The economy and […]

Government Contemplates Requiring Restaurants to Deny Service To Obese Patrons

Do The Obese Have The “Right” To Become More Obese? In an attempt to help those who cannot help themselves from becoming obese, the government has implemented new legislative fiats requiring restaurants to post the calorie count of each item on their menus.   Unfortunately, the heavy hand of government dictate is producing counter productive results.  […]

Secretary Of State Busted On Grandiose “Plaque” Monument

With apparently little of consequence to do for the people she allegedly works for, the Secretary of State has spent considerable time and a large amount of taxpayer money planning a “Plaque Monument” to her greatness.   FYI Madame Secretary – usually monuments are erected after a popular consensus has been reached that someone deserves to […]

Imperial Speaker Of The House Lives High While Millions Suffer

Rulers Out Of Touch With Reality While millions suffer economically, the Speaker of the House sees fits to commute in a private Boeing 757 at a weekly cost of $120,000.  Brings to mind the old saying “watch what they do, not what they say”. The ruling elite in Washington is out of touch and out […]

Help Wanted – Pay Is $15 Per Day

Who The Hell Will Work For $15 A Day? No, this is not an advertisement for help by some Chinese assembly plant – this is a job posting by local and federal courthouses. Call to Jury Duty Strikes Fear of Financial Ruin FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — One by one, jurors answered Judge Robert A. Rosenberg […]

Obama The War Hawk?

America At War – Again Does being elected President of the United States somehow turn an otherwise normal  man into an aggressor, eager to engage American armed forces into unnecessary wars? Consider the following: Military buildup in Afghanistan warranted, Obama says The White House last week announced substantial increases of troops bound for Afghanistan and […]

America To President – Stop Killing Our Economic Future

Public Angst Grows Recent polls indicate increasing disaffection with the economic and social policies being forced upon the American public by the controllers in Washington.   The American public thought that they voted for “change” but what we seem to be getting is micro management and obtrusive government interference into our  lives. The imperial Washington power […]

Obama Says We Can Do With Health Care What We Did With The Post Office – What?

Postal Service Poor Analogy Now we know why the President usually does not say much without the Teleprompter in front of him; why in the world would you mention the Post Office when trying to convince America that the government should take over the health care system? The Post Office is a prime example of […]