Crippling debt and deficits have lead the global economy to the precipice. Finances of world governments since the financial crisis have dramatically deteriorated and confidence in paper money has reached a new low. Equity markets are crashing while gold (the barometer of trust in paper money) soars. As we stare into the abyss, President Obama […]
Obama – “Hi, I’m From The Government And Am Here To Help You”
After signing into law legislation that increased the national debt by a massive $2.4 trillion, the President said he wants to solve other issues including tax cuts for the middle class and extended unemployment benefits. No mention was made of focusing on job creation but the President said he understood what the voters really wanted. […]
Imperial Speaker Of The House Lives High While Millions Suffer
Rulers Out Of Touch With Reality While millions suffer economically, the Speaker of the House sees fits to commute in a private Boeing 757 at a weekly cost of $120,000. Brings to mind the old saying “watch what they do, not what they say”. The ruling elite in Washington is out of touch and out […]
Why It Takes 20 Years To Expand An Airport
Lost American Initiative Whatever happened to the “can do” attitude that allowed this country to put a man on the moon when such a feat was perceived possible only in science fiction movies? Essential and long overdue improvements to US infrastructure now take decades as work is delayed by bickering special interest groups, mindless bureaucrats […]
Karl Rove Shreds Obama
American Dream Turning Into A Nightmare Hard questions are being asked as we confront major issues that will challenge our concepts of traditional American culture and society. The ongoing financial crisis is exposing the myth that America has no fiscal limitations and is able to provide the benefits, wealth and security that many believe […]
The Debt Bomb – Has Saving Us Today Destroyed Our Future?
Can debt create prosperity? A common question asked these days is, if too much debt caused the financial crisis, how can more debt solve the problem? Most American families know that their basic problem is too little income and too much debt. Common sense tells us that unless debt is balanced by inceasing income to […]
From The Archives – Sound Familiar?
For some historical perspective on our current problems. Chicago Tribune – 1934 Courtesy: