January 15, 2025

Many Americans Are Doomed To A Miserable Retirement

Retirement used to be portrayed as the ultimate reward in America once the work career was over. The dream of an indolent lifestyle comprised of endless golf rounds and vacation trips is still within the realm of reality for many Americans, but for others, retirement is likely to be a miserable life of frugality and […]

Youth Unemployment In Europe Reaches Catastrophic Levels

The downward economic spiral in Europe continues to accelerate with no solutions in sight.  Greece and Spain, two of the most crippled economies in the Eurozone, have now achieved the infamous distinction of 50% plus rates of youth unemployment as shown in the following graph from The Atlantic. Here’s what the graph does tell us: […]

The Greater Fool Theory On Presidents and Voters

The voters have spoken but what have they said? The following view on how the U.S. is viewed by one Czech analyst appeared on Peter Grandich’s website.  Never underestimate the power of the American public to vote with their pocketbooks while ignoring the larger fundamental economic issues which ultimately threaten the wealth of all Americans.  […]

Are Children Who Move Back In With Their Parents Losers?

It has been widely reported that an increasingly large number of children are moving back in with their parents, some after completing four expensive years of college.  Pew Research conducted a recent study that examines the circumstances associated with the decision by many young people to move back in with their parents. If there’s supposed […]

If You Don’t Have Rich Parents, Forget About Being Successful?

For many people, America no longer seems like the land of unparalleled opportunities.  The mainstream press seems to be full of stories about people losing their jobs, college graduates moving back in with their parents and broken down penniless retirees forced to eat Alpo for supper. The entire world seems to currently be in a […]

It’s Not Your Imagination – Our Living Standards Are Collapsing

No one likes earning less this year than last year.  If the weekly paycheck is a scoreboard on how well we are doing – then we are all in deep trouble.  The Center for American Progress recently published some shocking charts that portray the American middle class besieged by lower income, higher costs for essential […]

Are You A High Income Achiever? Only Half Make Over $43K Per Year

Are Americans overly obsessed with making more money than their neighbor?  You may never find out exactly what your neighbor earns per year but you can find out where you stand on the income scale compared to the national average. The Wall Street Journal ran a neat interactive that calculates your income percentile based on […]

Why U.S. Deficits Are Necessary and Austerity Is Self-Destructive – Finance For Dummies

Would the United States be committing economic suicide by instituting an austerity program to reduce the national debt and deficit spending?  One man who thinks so is Bill Black, author of “The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One.”  Bill Black is a financial expert, frequent critic of the banking industry and […]

Ridiculous Media Hype On Poverty Levels Miss The Real Issues

According to Yahoo Finance, the number of Americans living in poverty is approaching levels not seen in 40 years. The latest Census numbers won’t be released until the fall, but economists surveyed by the AP project that the poverty rate will climb from 2010’s 15.1% and reach a level as high as 15.7%. This will […]