March 15, 2025

Americans Need A Vacation From Obama

World financial markets are imploding, unemployment is at depression levels, the economy is slipping into recession and the world banking system is beginning to collapse.  Who in the world would want to tackle this mess instead of going on vacation? Obama playing golf with wealthy pals in Martha’s Vineyard while the country is spiraling down […]

Obama’s Wierd Philosophy On Business Is Killing Job Growth

It’s a routine event to be excoriated by your enemies – you laugh it off and consider the source.  When harsh criticism comes from your friends, however, it should be a wake up call to reassess positions. Barrick Obama’s wake up call came when Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts recently let loose some very […]

Many Americans Believe Obama Is A Muslim Born Outside Of The US

The Alien Amongst Us Two years into his presidency Mr. Obama seems unable to connect with the average American on something as fundamental as his birthplace and religious beliefs.  According to Pew Research, an overwhelming number of Americans (61%) either don’t know what religion he follows or believe that he is a Muslim.  Mr. Obama’s […]

Obama Supports And Opposes Ground Zero Mosque – How’s That For Conviction?

It should come as no surprise that the President strongly endorsed building a mosque on Ground Zero in Manhattan.  Nor should it come as a surprise that he later tried to backpedal and obfuscate his original defense of the mosque when various groups expressed outrage at his position.  Perhaps the President is merely trying to […]

Public Workers Prove That Bankers Have No Monopoly On Greed

The President’s criticism of “fat-cat bankers” has been relentless.  Since taking office, Obama has seized every opportunity to flame the public hatred for bankers by portraying them as being greedy and insensitive. Obama Criticizes Fat-Cat Bankers-Bloomberg – Dec 14, 2009 –  “I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat-cat […]

Our Love-Hate Relationship With Illegal Immigrants

Deluged by the arrival of nonstop illegal immigrants, Arizona recently passed legislation to deal with the problem.   Arizona was forced to take action after efforts by the Federal government to address illegal immigration were perceived as ineffective and indifferent. Arizona’s new law quickly became controversial.   The Obama administration immediately condemned Arizona and acted swiftly […]

Tea Party Goes Overboard – Compares Obama To Hitler And Lenin

Des Moines, Iowa is now the site of a super controversial billboard  erected by a local Iowa tea party.   The tea party apparently saw disturbing similarities between “National Socialism (Hitler), Marxist Socialism (Lenin) and Democratic Socialism” (Obama). The tea party decided to make its point in a graphic and public manner, which immediately drew strong […]

Obama’s Approval Rating Plunges – Why Do 40% Of Voters Still Support Him?

A new poll released by the Washington Post-ABC News shows that support for the president has plunged to a new all time low.   A staggering 60% of voters say that they “lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country, and a clear majority once again disapproves of how he is […]

As Obama Administration Obstructs Cleanup Of Gulf Oil Disaster, Some See Dark Motives

Government Thwarts Oil Cleanup – Incompetence or Calculated Political Decision? It has been over two months since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico on April 22, 2010.  Estimates of the amount of crude oil gushing into the Gulf range from 60,000 to 100,000 barrels a day causing an […]

Obama The War Hawk?

America At War – Again Does being elected President of the United States somehow turn an otherwise normal  man into an aggressor, eager to engage American armed forces into unnecessary wars? Consider the following: Military buildup in Afghanistan warranted, Obama says The White House last week announced substantial increases of troops bound for Afghanistan and […]