March 17, 2025

Americans Need A Vacation From Obama

World financial markets are imploding, unemployment is at depression levels, the economy is slipping into recession and the world banking system is beginning to collapse.  Who in the world would want to tackle this mess instead of going on vacation? Obama playing golf with wealthy pals in Martha’s Vineyard while the country is spiraling down […]

Starbucks CEO Says Stop Money Flow To Politicians

Howard Schultz, President and CEO of Starbucks, joins the tidal wave of Americans fed up with the destructive and self dealing behavior in Washington. Reportedly, Schultz sent an email to Starbucks employees asking them to refrain from sending campaign contributions to politicians as a way of sending a message that we want responsible government.  Schultz’s […]

Obama’s Speech On Financial Crisis Will Plunge Us Into Depression

Crippling debt and deficits have lead the global economy to the precipice.  Finances of world governments since the financial crisis have dramatically deteriorated and confidence in paper money has reached a new low.  Equity markets are crashing while gold (the barometer of trust in paper money) soars. As we stare into the abyss, President Obama […]

Obama’s Wierd Philosophy On Business Is Killing Job Growth

It’s a routine event to be excoriated by your enemies – you laugh it off and consider the source.  When harsh criticism comes from your friends, however, it should be a wake up call to reassess positions. Barrick Obama’s wake up call came when Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts recently let loose some very […]

Obama – “Hi, I’m From The Government And Am Here To Help You”

After signing into law legislation that increased the national debt by a massive $2.4 trillion, the President said he wants to solve other issues including tax cuts for the middle class and extended unemployment benefits.  No mention was made of focusing on job creation but the President said he understood what the voters really wanted.  […]

Ground Zero Mosque Poll Proves Ruling Elite Out Of Touch

The latest poll results from the Washington Post prove that the ruling elite do not represent the views of the average American.  An overwhelming two thirds of voters decisively reject the notion that Ground Zero, the site of America’s greastest mass murder, is the appropriate site to build a Muslim monument.   In addition, half of […]

What Politician Has The Most Extreme Political Views?

Identifying the real views and values of a politician is never easy.    Voter perceptions may not reflect the reality of a politician’s views and changing events may alter a politician’s  previously held views.  Voters who judge a politician’s views as extreme are indicating the extent to which the politician’s views differ from their own and, […]

Huge Majority of Americans Do Not Believe Federal Government Has The “Consent of the Governed”

Rasmussen Reports, one of the most respected and accurate polling organizations in the country, now provides proof of what many of us have long known – the vast majority of Americans do not believe that the federal government has the consent of the governed. The notion that governments derive their only just authority from the […]

Baseball Great Clemens Faces 30 Years In Prison – Don’t Fed Prosecutors Have Better Things To Do?

Baseball great, 48 year old Roger Clemens, faces the equivalent of a death sentence with the threat of a 30 year prison term after being indicted for making false statements, obstruction and felony perjury.   The indictment follows an inquiry into Mr. Clemen’s alleged use of steroids, during which Mr. Clemens flatly denied ever using […]

Many Americans Believe Obama Is A Muslim Born Outside Of The US

The Alien Amongst Us Two years into his presidency Mr. Obama seems unable to connect with the average American on something as fundamental as his birthplace and religious beliefs.  According to Pew Research, an overwhelming number of Americans (61%) either don’t know what religion he follows or believe that he is a Muslim.  Mr. Obama’s […]