March 16, 2025

Number of Millionaires In U.S. Approaches 10 Million

The financial meltdown of 2008 and a weak economy has slowed the historic growth rate of millionaires.  Nonetheless, the total number of households in the U.S. with a net worth, excluding the value of a principal residence, is fast approaching 10 million. According to the latest number from Spectrem Group, the number of millionaires has […]

Iraq Kicks Out U.S. Oil Companies & Welcomes China After 5,000 American Battle Deaths

The cost of the United States engaging in two wars with Iraq has piled up an immense stack of bills that our great grandchildren will still be paying off.  The total bill for the latest U.S. military adventure, including direct, future and indirect costs, is estimated at $4 trillion dollars.  Direct cost include amounts already […]

The Real Unemployment Rate Is At Depression Levels

Anyone who delves into the details of the monthly unemployment rate issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics knows the truth about the real level of unemployment in the U.S.  The government numbers on unemployment are grossly distorted since they do not include millions of long-term discouraged workers, the under-employed and anyone who has not […]

Many Americans Are Doomed To A Miserable Retirement

Retirement used to be portrayed as the ultimate reward in America once the work career was over. The dream of an indolent lifestyle comprised of endless golf rounds and vacation trips is still within the realm of reality for many Americans, but for others, retirement is likely to be a miserable life of frugality and […]

U.S. Says 15 Ton Bunker Busting Bomb Upgraded And Ready For Action

The heaviest non-nuclear bomb in the U.S. arsenal, specifically designed as a “bunker-buster,”  has been ungraded according to the Pentagon.  Recent improvements to the 30,000 pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator allow the bomb to penetrate an astonishing 200 feet underground before exploding.  The hardened steel casing on the bomb weighs about 25,000 pounds which allows deep […]

Amazing Amazon Undercuts Walgreens Prices By 86%

I recently decided that it would be a great idea to buy a car charger for my iPhone .  Although the battery in the iPhone usually lasts a full day with almost constant use, I typically find myself in the red zone when I am on the road and need the phone the most. Just […]

Americans Dump Stocks As Market Soars – Are Long Term Investors Extinct?

Investing in stocks used to be an affirmation of faith in the American system of free enterprise and a method to build personal wealth.  How many stories have you heard about the secretary at McDonalds or Merck or another great American company who retired as a millionaire after buying shares in the company over many […]

Americans Can’t Seem To Agree On Anything – Goodbye E Pluribus Unum

“United we stand, divided we fall” has long been a symbol of American achievement.  One nation, formed from many different cultures, races and ancestries always seemed to share a core set of values which allowed America to become the predominant world power.  Today, we seemed to have reversed the Latin phrase E Pluribus Unum that […]

Saudi Arabia Executes A Teenager – U.S. Judge Says “No Law Against Killing A Chinaman” – Cultural Evolution

International outrage swelled after the government of Saudi Arabia executed a woman who was only 17 years old when she was arrested for murder.  Rizana Nafeek, a domestic servant from Sri Lankan, was convicted of killing a four month old boy under her care. Despite the pleas of human rights groups to call off the […]

Thailand Is Really Serious About Stamping Out Cigarettes

The first time you look at a carton of cigarettes in Thailand, you do a double take.  Is this a medical journal of really bad diseases or is this actually a carton of cigarettes? I am not even sure what some of these pictures are but they are obviously related to smoking. Maybe the government’s […]