March 15, 2025

Bankrupt USA Continues To Borrow – The Emperor Has No Clothes

Congress and the Obama administration continue to move forward with economy killing legislation such as  Cap & Trade, Health Care Reform and  Card Check legislation,  to name a few.  The gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about is the massive deficit being forced on future generations. BROKE-BANK MOUNTAIN OF DEBT The way […]

Hillary Clinton’s Africa Trip Viewed As A Success – This Is Like Saying The Titanic’s Maiden Voyage Was A Success

Clinton Needs A New Spin Master Portraying Clinton’s African safari as a “success” will forever reign as the most unbelievable spin job in history.  It would have been far better to say nothing than to bring more publicity to what was a disastrous trip.  Besides being sent on a meaningless journey to countries that most […]

Hillary Clinton Reaches Breaking Point As Frustrations Publicly Erupt – And How The President Neutered Hillary

Hillary’s Meaningless Journey After embarking on a largely symbolic trip to Africa, Hillary reached the breaking point as her African trip was marginalized by her own husband’s trip to North Korea. Clinton’s Cross To Bear It has to be Hillary Rodham Clinton‘s worst nightmare. After missing her big chance to become president, she becomes secretary […]

How The US Justice System Turns Jaywalkers Into Violent Criminals

The fact that the United States imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation on earth has been previously discussed – see United States – A Nation of Criminals. There are approximately 2.3 million Americans in jail, equivalent to 1 out of every 100 Americans.  America has in its jails almost 25% of the […]

Senator Dodd Pleads Stupidity On Mortgage Payola

Senator Dodd’s Denials An Insult To The Citizens Most people refinancing their mortgage go to a bank and then get whatever  prevailing mortgage rate they qualify for.  When you are a Senator with vast powers over the financial industry, things are different – the bank comes to you and you get a special rate. Does […]

Senator Dodd – Not Fit For Service – Lies Won’t Change The Facts

Disturbing Pattern of Lies, Corruption And Special Interests Senator Dodd’s re-election campaign seems to be based on the following strategy: “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”. Senator Dodd is running ads that try to portray him as Joe Six Pack, always ready to pitch in […]

Why It Takes 20 Years To Expand An Airport

Lost American Initiative Whatever happened to the “can do” attitude that allowed this country to put a man on the moon when such a feat was perceived possible only in science fiction movies?   Essential and long overdue improvements to US infrastructure now take decades as work is delayed by bickering special interest groups, mindless bureaucrats […]

Ukraine’s President Should Have Told Biden To Mind His Own Business

Biden Lectures Ukraine On How To Do Things “Right” In another display of American arrogance, Vice President Biden had the gall to lecture Ukrainian leaders for their lack of progress in emulating the United States’ perfect culture and political system. Mr Biden, well known for verbose speeches with little substance, lectured Ukraine’s political leaders for […]

United States – A Nation Of Criminals

Law and Order, or A System Gone Berserk? The statistics on the number of  Americans incarcerated are truly eye catching, especially when compared to other nations. There are approximately 2.3 million Americans in jail, equivalent to 1 out of every 100 Americans.  America has in its jails almost 25% of the entire prison population in […]

A Bright Idea – CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs)

Energy Department’s New Lighting Standards The Energy Department announced new lighting standards that are expected to reduce the nations energy bill by $4 billion annually when implemented in 2012. The change that will affect the average American the most will be the ban on the sale of standard  incandescent light bulbs in 2014.  Huge energy […]