July 26, 2024

Does Living At Home At Age 25 Make Me A Loser?

The economic collapse of 2008 that put the world financial system on the precipice of collapse has produced fundamental changes in people’s attitudes, financial habits and living style.  One trend that existed even before the financial crisis and then accelerated since 2008 is the number of young adults living with their parents. The tradition of […]

Out of Work For Over Six Months? Consider Yourself Permanently Unemployable

Been laid off for over six months?  If so, then you know for a fact that trying to find a job when you don’t have one is nearly impossible. People who have been out of work for over six months are permanently damaged goods in the eyes of most employers.  If no one else has […]

Allen West On Why Democracies Are Self Destructive – Free Everything Cannot Work

Mitt Romney raised a firestorm with his comments about the large number of Americans relying on government handouts for survival.  Adding to the debate, Congressman Allen West of Florida penned a thoughtful reply which concludes that the country cannot survive unlimited dependency. By Rep. Allen West WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Gov. Mitt Romney’s comments about the […]

If You Don’t Have Rich Parents, Forget About Being Successful?

For many people, America no longer seems like the land of unparalleled opportunities.  The mainstream press seems to be full of stories about people losing their jobs, college graduates moving back in with their parents and broken down penniless retirees forced to eat Alpo for supper. The entire world seems to currently be in a […]

Ridiculous Media Hype On Poverty Levels Miss The Real Issues

According to Yahoo Finance, the number of Americans living in poverty is approaching levels not seen in 40 years. The latest Census numbers won’t be released until the fall, but economists surveyed by the AP project that the poverty rate will climb from 2010’s 15.1% and reach a level as high as 15.7%. This will […]

The Mind Of A Liberal – No Fair Play Allowed

“No Individual Should Face Workplace Discrimination Based on Race” Part of the appeal of American culture has always been the sense of fair play and equal opportunity offered by our political and economic system.  What has attracted so many immigrants to our shores for hundreds of years was the notion that, given a level playing […]

How to Raise a Happy Child – Some Startling Truths

The Life Long Benefits Of Early Industry With so many parents wondering what they can do to give their children the best future possible, it is easy to become confused by conflicting advice.  A timeless piece from a 1986 Readers Digest article provides solid evidence for the virtues of work in raising happy and successful […]