The Truth Hurts Some devastating criticism of Hillary by Nile Gardiner at the Telegraph UK. If President Obama’s goal in appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was to neutralize his biggest rival, he has certainly succeeded. Clinton looks a shadow of her former self, and has been the most low-key Secretary of State in […]
Obama – Is The Infatuation Justified?
President On A Roll It seems as if the President is enjoying an extended honeymoon with both the press and voters, while the Republicans remain disarrayed and powerless. Public optimism and confidence is surging based on the hope that the steps taken by the Obama administration will lead to brighter economic days. The voters and […]
The Fallacy of Government Running Businesses
Business Discovers Drawbacks to Government Aid The banking industry, the insurance industry and finally the auto industry have taken their turn with government money controlled by the Obama administration under the premise that they were all too big to fail. The bankers and insurance executives are finding out how difficult it is to return the TARP money, […]
Sanction Of The Victim – Part 4
Thought Provoking Links Obama – A Jump to the Left, A Step to the Right In a front-page analysis, the NYT notes that Obama is taking “a nuanced set of positions that fall somewhere between George W. Bush and the American Civil Liberties Union.” But the truth is that the combination of harshly criticizing Bush-era […]
Karl Rove Shreds Obama
American Dream Turning Into A Nightmare Hard questions are being asked as we confront major issues that will challenge our concepts of traditional American culture and society. The ongoing financial crisis is exposing the myth that America has no fiscal limitations and is able to provide the benefits, wealth and security that many believe […]
Sanction Of The Victim Part 1
Thought Provoking Links Obama Says US Long-Term Debt Load “Unsustainable” May 14 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama, calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries. “We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting […]
From The Archives – Sound Familiar?
For some historical perspective on our current problems. Chicago Tribune – 1934 Courtesy:
You Cannot Bring About Prosperity By Discouraging Thrift – America’s Abandoned Principles
Abraham Lincoln Do the values of Abe Lincoln still apply today? America’s greatness was based on the wisdom, courage and sacrifices of previous generations. Perhaps we need to reapply some of the principles that worked so well in the past. The values espoused by Abraham Lincoln are based on the common sense and self reliance […]
Ukraine’s President Should Have Told Biden To Mind His Own Business
Biden Lectures Ukraine On How To Do Things “Right” In another display of American arrogance, Vice President Biden had the gall to lecture Ukrainian leaders for their lack of progress in emulating the United States’ perfect culture and political system. Mr Biden, well known for verbose speeches with little substance, lectured Ukraine’s political leaders for […]