March 15, 2025

Bonds Are Crashing – Where Can An Investor Hide?

By Axel Merk Induced by “taper talk,” volatility in the bond market has been surging of late. Is there a bond bubble? Is it bursting? And if so, what are investors to do, as complacency might be financially hazardous. Bond bubble indicator on red alert Our internal best bubble indicator is triggered when an asset, […]

If You’re Feeling Poorer That’s Because You Are – Net Worth Plunges For Average American

In April the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco released a report showing that the overall net worth and value of financial assets had completely recovered from the financial collapse of 2008-2009.    Since the low point of the recession in early 2009 the net worth of Americans has increased by a massive $14.7 trillion and […]

Have Gun Homicide Rates Really Declined?

Many people, including this writer, believe that the number of gun crimes in America has increased over the years.  In reality, the number of gun homicides and violent gun crimes have dramatically declined over the past 20 years. An in depth survey conducted by Pew Research shows that 45% of Americans think that gun crimes […]

Do We Really Need Six Billion More Pennies Every Year?

Americans seem to have a love/hate relationship with the penny.  The purchasing power of a penny has become so irrelevant that most people will not bother to pick one up off the street.  Yet despite the penny’s low value, most Americans will admit that they save pennies.  There probably aren’t that many homes in America […]

Missing Jobs and Miserable Lives

The great financial crash of 2008 resulted in over eight million jobs disappearing in a little over a year.   As orders evaporated and sales plunged, companies quickly slashed labor costs in order to remain profitable. Previous recessions have caused unemployment to soar but the ensuing recoveries always resulted in a strong economic rebound and the […]

Air Travel Delays Result of Reprehensible Conduct By White House and Congress

The growing disruption of airline flights in the U.S. is causing economic problems for an economy that does not need more problems, especially from a crisis manufactured by the President and Congress.  Pulling critical air traffic controllers off their screens and telling them to stay home will at some point jeopardize public safety. What will […]

Top Ten Killers of Americans Result in 1.85 Million Deaths Per Year

There are many ways to die, but most American deaths result from ten major causes.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) most Americans succumb to the following ten leading causes of deaths. The ten leading causes of death amounted to almost three quarters of all deaths during the past year.  The […]

Government Forces Woman To Stop Having Sex

On the lighter side, these two powerful images aptly summarize a point of view with very few words.   The last three crazy shooters.

Out of Work For Over Six Months? Consider Yourself Permanently Unemployable

Been laid off for over six months?  If so, then you know for a fact that trying to find a job when you don’t have one is nearly impossible. People who have been out of work for over six months are permanently damaged goods in the eyes of most employers.  If no one else has […]