October 22, 2024

Jewish Owner of L.A. Clippers Doesn’t Like Blacks – Yawn, Let’s Move On

It would a wonderful Jimmy Stuart world if humans could evolve from bigotry, racism, politics, warmongering, and class hatred which have spawned innumerable wars since the dawn of humanity. Maybe in a few more million years, but in the here and now it’s blatantly obvious that many people don’t like other people who are different […]

Does Living At Home At Age 25 Make Me A Loser?

The economic collapse of 2008 that put the world financial system on the precipice of collapse has produced fundamental changes in people’s attitudes, financial habits and living style.  One trend that existed even before the financial crisis and then accelerated since 2008 is the number of young adults living with their parents. The tradition of […]

Missing Jobs and Miserable Lives

The great financial crash of 2008 resulted in over eight million jobs disappearing in a little over a year.   As orders evaporated and sales plunged, companies quickly slashed labor costs in order to remain profitable. Previous recessions have caused unemployment to soar but the ensuing recoveries always resulted in a strong economic rebound and the […]

10 Colleges With Horrendously Low Graduation Rates

With the cost of college outside the reach of the average middle income family, more and more people are wondering if the cost of financing college is worth the investment.  We have all heard the numerous horror stories about students who graduate from college only to wind up working at low or minimum wage jobs […]

The Greater Fool Theory On Presidents and Voters

The voters have spoken but what have they said? The following view on how the U.S. is viewed by one Czech analyst appeared on Peter Grandich’s website.  Never underestimate the power of the American public to vote with their pocketbooks while ignoring the larger fundamental economic issues which ultimately threaten the wealth of all Americans.  […]

How Did Americans Feed Themselves Before Food Stamps?

We can pretend not to see it but something is very wrong when 45 million people or almost 15% of the entire population of the U.S. allegedly can’t earn enough money to feed themselves.  Is the explosion in the food stamp program a result of fighting hunger in America or is it the result of […]

A Profound Thought On Morality

An analysis on the morality of same sex marriages from the Weekly Standard: “To argue that opposition to same-sex marriage is immoral is to argue that every moral thinker, and every religion and social movement in the history of mankind prior to the last 20 years in America and Europe was immoral. About no other […]

Unemployment Levels In The U.S. Have Always Been Volatile

The worse part of the financial crisis that started in 2008 was the shocking manner in which unemployment levels skyrocketed.  In a very short period of time the unemployment level more than doubled from 4.5% to around 10% at the peak.  The latest numbers from the Labor Department show hope, as the unemployment rate continues […]

Mitt Romney Has Done More Than Any Other Individual Or Organization To Ensure An Obama Victory

Mitt Romney continues to dazzle the American public with one of the most disorganized and self destructive presidential campaigns in recent memory. On Monday, Politico revealed that the Romney campaign was in total disarray with infighting by advisers and aides after Romney’s disastrous and meandering convention speech.  Stuart Stevens, the top strategist of the Romney […]