July 26, 2024

The Case For Gold

By Axel Merk In our previous white paper on gold, we discussed two key reasons investors typically cite as critical decision making factors supporting an investment in gold: as a form of protection against inflation and as a safe haven investment.  We showed that current dynamics may support these investment theses over the foreseeable future: […]

Will The U.S. Confiscate Gold Again?

Many precious metals investors are worried that the United States may decide to confiscate gold again, as was done in 1933 when President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102. Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates […]

Canada’s Massive Housing Bubble Will Not End Well

Guest post by Vin Maru Bank of Canada may be ahead of all its peers in ensuring its banks meet the Basel capital requirements. And it may have done a better job in regulating the banking sector, but they are not innocent of allowing bubbles in Canada to form.  Even Mark Carney feels that the […]