September 10, 2024

Number of Millionaires In U.S. Approaches 10 Million

The financial meltdown of 2008 and a weak economy has slowed the historic growth rate of millionaires.  Nonetheless, the total number of households in the U.S. with a net worth, excluding the value of a principal residence, is fast approaching 10 million. According to the latest number from Spectrem Group, the number of millionaires has […]

Saudi Arabia Executes A Teenager – U.S. Judge Says “No Law Against Killing A Chinaman” – Cultural Evolution

International outrage swelled after the government of Saudi Arabia executed a woman who was only 17 years old when she was arrested for murder.  Rizana Nafeek, a domestic servant from Sri Lankan, was convicted of killing a four month old boy under her care. Despite the pleas of human rights groups to call off the […]

A Profound Thought On Morality

An analysis on the morality of same sex marriages from the Weekly Standard: “To argue that opposition to same-sex marriage is immoral is to argue that every moral thinker, and every religion and social movement in the history of mankind prior to the last 20 years in America and Europe was immoral. About no other […]

Mitt Romney Has Done More Than Any Other Individual Or Organization To Ensure An Obama Victory

Mitt Romney continues to dazzle the American public with one of the most disorganized and self destructive presidential campaigns in recent memory. On Monday, Politico revealed that the Romney campaign was in total disarray with infighting by advisers and aides after Romney’s disastrous and meandering convention speech.  Stuart Stevens, the top strategist of the Romney […]

Should We Make All People Equal?

Some Thoughts On The  Wealth Of A Nation With a democratic super majority now ruling the country with visions of sharing the wealth, is it possible or wise to attempt to make  all people “equal”?   Endeavors to create total economic equality have never been successful in human history – would such an attempt now represent […]