September 10, 2024

Romney Has Big Bird In His Crosshairs

Everyone needs a laugh now and then – here’s a funny graphic from eb-misfit on Mitt Romney’s vow to do in Big Bird.

Allen West On Why Democracies Are Self Destructive – Free Everything Cannot Work

Mitt Romney raised a firestorm with his comments about the large number of Americans relying on government handouts for survival.  Adding to the debate, Congressman Allen West of Florida penned a thoughtful reply which concludes that the country cannot survive unlimited dependency. By Rep. Allen West WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Gov. Mitt Romney’s comments about the […]

Mitt Romney Has Done More Than Any Other Individual Or Organization To Ensure An Obama Victory

Mitt Romney continues to dazzle the American public with one of the most disorganized and self destructive presidential campaigns in recent memory. On Monday, Politico revealed that the Romney campaign was in total disarray with infighting by advisers and aides after Romney’s disastrous and meandering convention speech.  Stuart Stevens, the top strategist of the Romney […]

Why U.S. Deficits Are Necessary and Austerity Is Self-Destructive – Finance For Dummies

Would the United States be committing economic suicide by instituting an austerity program to reduce the national debt and deficit spending?  One man who thinks so is Bill Black, author of “The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One.”  Bill Black is a financial expert, frequent critic of the banking industry and […]

Mitt Romney – The Human Punching Bag

Day after day, Mitt Romney’s opponents have savagely attacked his character and record.  And day after day, the Romney campaign inexplicably remains mute, allowing the drumbeat of attacks to continue.   By allowing himself to become a human punching bag, Romney ignores at his peril the old saying that “If you repeat a lie often enough, […]

Obama Promises 118 Proposals To Create 23 Million Jobs

A miffed President Obama instructed his aides to quickly come up with another 114 proposals to add to his major jobs speech before Congress.  After hearing that Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney rolled out an economic plan with 59 proposals for creating jobs, the President reportedly told aides “Nobody beats me on fresh ideas for […]