Dave Brat’s rout of the soon to be former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is ample evidence that there are many decent hardworking Americans who are completely fed up with government policies that not only don’t make sense but offend basic concepts of morality and virtue. The establishment Republican party seems to have lost touch […]
What Does Dave Brat Think About Preferential Immigration Treatment for Sexual Deviants?
Jewish Owner of L.A. Clippers Doesn’t Like Blacks – Yawn, Let’s Move On
It would a wonderful Jimmy Stuart world if humans could evolve from bigotry, racism, politics, warmongering, and class hatred which have spawned innumerable wars since the dawn of humanity. Maybe in a few more million years, but in the here and now it’s blatantly obvious that many people don’t like other people who are different […]
One Speeding Ticket Would Send 25% of Americans To Bankruptcy Court
Besides high unemployment, declining wages and a constantly increasing cost of living, Americans now face another menace that could send them directly to bankruptcy court. According to Yahoo News, the five most egregious states for issuing insanely high speeding tickets are Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Nevada and New Hampshire. These five states all hold drivers […]
Why Bother Voting When Unelected Bureaucrats With Lifetime Jobs Run The Country?
Nothing is more aggravating, self defeating and humiliating than dealing with government bureaucrats. This vast army of government bureaucrats has become a fourth unelected branch of government with life time employment and zero accountability, pouring sand into the gears of commerce, free enterprise and human freedoms. One scandal after another hits the news with the […]
The Greater Fool Theory On Presidents and Voters
The voters have spoken but what have they said? The following view on how the U.S. is viewed by one Czech analyst appeared on Peter Grandich’s website. Never underestimate the power of the American public to vote with their pocketbooks while ignoring the larger fundamental economic issues which ultimately threaten the wealth of all Americans. […]
A Profound Thought On Morality
An analysis on the morality of same sex marriages from the Weekly Standard: “To argue that opposition to same-sex marriage is immoral is to argue that every moral thinker, and every religion and social movement in the history of mankind prior to the last 20 years in America and Europe was immoral. About no other […]
Sanction Of The Victim Part 3
Thought Provoking Links Socialism Coming Back To Haunt U.S. America is more than a country; it is the ideal of liberty. In economic terms, liberty translates into the entrepreneurial spirit of hard work, risk taking and self-reliance. And this spirit has made America rich beyond compare. Unfortunately, over the past four decades, much has been […]
Sanction Of The Victim Part 2
Thought Provoking Links Change? You Asked For It Even some loyal Democrats are feeling queasy about what will happen if, as seems likely, Al Franken wins the endless dispute over that Senate seat from Minnesota. With Arlen Specter’s recent conversion, that would give the Democrats 60 seats, or three-fifths of the Senate, which is a […]
Sanction Of The Victim Part 1
Thought Provoking Links Obama Says US Long-Term Debt Load “Unsustainable” May 14 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama, calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries. “We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting […]