July 27, 2024

Jewish Owner of L.A. Clippers Doesn’t Like Blacks – Yawn, Let’s Move On

It would a wonderful Jimmy Stuart world if humans could evolve from bigotry, racism, politics, warmongering, and class hatred which have spawned innumerable wars since the dawn of humanity. Maybe in a few more million years, but in the here and now it’s blatantly obvious that many people don’t like other people who are different […]

Household Net Worth Hits All Time High Yet 59% of Seniors Have Zero Retirement Assets

According to the latest data from the Federal Reserve, most Americans should be feeling wealthier as household net worth soared to an all time high of $74.82 trillion.   This is a huge improvement from levels reached during the height of the financial crisis when household net worth plunged by almost 20% or $12 billion as […]

Does Living At Home At Age 25 Make Me A Loser?

The economic collapse of 2008 that put the world financial system on the precipice of collapse has produced fundamental changes in people’s attitudes, financial habits and living style.  One trend that existed even before the financial crisis and then accelerated since 2008 is the number of young adults living with their parents. The tradition of […]

If You’re Feeling Poorer That’s Because You Are – Net Worth Plunges For Average American

In April the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco released a report showing that the overall net worth and value of financial assets had completely recovered from the financial collapse of 2008-2009.    Since the low point of the recession in early 2009 the net worth of Americans has increased by a massive $14.7 trillion and […]

Economic Enigma – High Unemployment, Low Incomes and Record Stock Prices

The stock market has been in recovery mode since early 2009 with stock prices more than doubling as the Dow Jones surges past 14,000. Americans have regained a substantial portion of the wealth that vanished during the initial years of the financial crisis.  A good portion of the increase of household net worth was based […]

10 Colleges With Horrendously Low Graduation Rates

With the cost of college outside the reach of the average middle income family, more and more people are wondering if the cost of financing college is worth the investment.  We have all heard the numerous horror stories about students who graduate from college only to wind up working at low or minimum wage jobs […]

Number of Millionaires In U.S. Approaches 10 Million

The financial meltdown of 2008 and a weak economy has slowed the historic growth rate of millionaires.  Nonetheless, the total number of households in the U.S. with a net worth, excluding the value of a principal residence, is fast approaching 10 million. According to the latest number from Spectrem Group, the number of millionaires has […]

Many Americans Are Doomed To A Miserable Retirement

Retirement used to be portrayed as the ultimate reward in America once the work career was over. The dream of an indolent lifestyle comprised of endless golf rounds and vacation trips is still within the realm of reality for many Americans, but for others, retirement is likely to be a miserable life of frugality and […]