March 16, 2025

Yes, It’s True, Money Can Make You Happy – “Economic Suicides” Soar Worldwide

I really love it when I hear people say that “money can’t buy happiness.”  This quaint old saying is usually a palliative remark, spoken by people without money who really wish they had money. The brutal reality being made crystal clear by the spreading world wide depression is that many people without money are discovering […]

Why U.S. Deficits Are Necessary and Austerity Is Self-Destructive – Finance For Dummies

Would the United States be committing economic suicide by instituting an austerity program to reduce the national debt and deficit spending?  One man who thinks so is Bill Black, author of “The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One.”  Bill Black is a financial expert, frequent critic of the banking industry and […]

So How’s That “Social Media” Thing Working Out? Facebook and Groupon Investors Get Scorched!

Two of the most hyped social media stocks of the decade have bombed big time – and it’s not just small investors getting crushed this time. Many large sophisticated investors got their faces ripped off on the Facebook IPO including banking giant UBS that tallied up losses of a whopping $350 million.  Faring equally poor, […]

Health Care Rationing Is Inevitable

How much is a human life worth?  Should a huge percentage of precious health care dollars be allocated for end of life care when adequate health care cannot be provided to children due to budgetary constraints?  Are we crushing the financial future of our children and grandchildren by expending excessive amounts of resources on patients […]

Mitt Romney – The Human Punching Bag

Day after day, Mitt Romney’s opponents have savagely attacked his character and record.  And day after day, the Romney campaign inexplicably remains mute, allowing the drumbeat of attacks to continue.   By allowing himself to become a human punching bag, Romney ignores at his peril the old saying that “If you repeat a lie often enough, […]

Federal Reserve Trickle Down Policies Enrich Wall Street While Screwing Consumers

The Federal Reserve’s policy of printing money and repressing interest rates to all time historical lows was supposed to result in widespread economic benefits.  The results to date, however, have proven uneven.  While homeowners have reaped the benefit of lower mortgage rates, savers and retirees have experienced real negative returns, which has resulted in a […]

The Connection Between The Fiscal Cliff And Deer Infestation

“Words are plentiful but deeds are precious” – Unknown Has America become paralyzed by discussion, litigation and the inability to compromise or have we simply lost that precious commodity known as common sense? If we can’t solve minor problems, how can we ever hope to resolve festering problems that profoundly threaten the future welfare of […]

Banks As Victims? Desperate Banks Fall For Classic Con Game

By Bill Zielinski Reprinted with permission from This post should trigger a snicker from many consumers who feel that they are victims of the banking industry.  In a new twist, banks themselves are now at the top of the list for many con men One would think that with the increased regulatory scrutiny of […]

Ridiculous Media Hype On Poverty Levels Miss The Real Issues

According to Yahoo Finance, the number of Americans living in poverty is approaching levels not seen in 40 years. The latest Census numbers won’t be released until the fall, but economists surveyed by the AP project that the poverty rate will climb from 2010’s 15.1% and reach a level as high as 15.7%. This will […]