March 13, 2025

Leave VISA Card at Home When Visiting Singapore

If you need a taxi in Singapore and only have a VISA card, plan on walking to your destination. Effective July 15, 2013 VISA has rescinded authorization for all major taxi cab companies to accept the VISA card when paying for a taxi ride in Singapore. The reason behind VISA’s move was due to the […]

Household Net Worth Hits All Time High Yet 59% of Seniors Have Zero Retirement Assets

According to the latest data from the Federal Reserve, most Americans should be feeling wealthier as household net worth soared to an all time high of $74.82 trillion.   This is a huge improvement from levels reached during the height of the financial crisis when household net worth plunged by almost 20% or $12 billion as […]

Obama – The Man Who Would Be King

Never one for shirking from publicity, Newt Gingrich today compared Barack Omaba’s take no prisoners negotiating style to that of a king. In an interview with the Washington Post, Gingrich said that Obama’s refusal to negotiate with Congress on a budget deal was “almost unconstitutional” and his behavior was more like a king than a […]

Does Living At Home At Age 25 Make Me A Loser?

The economic collapse of 2008 that put the world financial system on the precipice of collapse has produced fundamental changes in people’s attitudes, financial habits and living style.  One trend that existed even before the financial crisis and then accelerated since 2008 is the number of young adults living with their parents. The tradition of […]

One Speeding Ticket Would Send 25% of Americans To Bankruptcy Court

Besides high unemployment, declining wages and a constantly increasing cost of living, Americans now face another menace that could send them directly to bankruptcy court. According to Yahoo News, the five most egregious states for issuing insanely high speeding tickets are Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Nevada and New Hampshire. These five states all hold drivers […]

Confidence In Central Banks Collapsing – The Next Financial Crisis Could Spin Out Of Control

In response to the financial crisis, massive debt burdens and slow economic growth since 2008, the world’s central banks have engaged in unprecedented monetary intervention.  Short term interest rates have been suppressed by  to levels barely above zero and central banks have purchased trillions of dollars of government debt securities to finance governments already staggering […]

Immigration Bill A Costly Solution Without A Problem

Congress is hard at work putting together massively complex and costly legislation to solve the “illegal immigration” problem at the Mexican American border.  As the Immigration Bill Gathers Momentum, it is becoming apparent that the bill will be an incredibly costly effort to solve a problem that no longer exists and America will become the […]

Why Bother Voting When Unelected Bureaucrats With Lifetime Jobs Run The Country?

Nothing is more aggravating, self defeating and humiliating than dealing with government bureaucrats.  This vast army of government bureaucrats has become a fourth unelected branch of government with life time employment and zero accountability, pouring sand into the gears of commerce, free enterprise and human freedoms.  One scandal after another hits the news with the […]

Homes Are Illiquid And Ridiculously Costly To Sell

When home values were soaring during the housing boom, the cost of selling a home  didn’t really bother many sellers. The numerous fees involved when selling a home seemed inconsequential as home values soared year after year during those wonderful housing bubble years. That was then and this is now. With housing prices in many […]