March 15, 2025

The U.S. Ranks Dead Last In Every Category of Health Care

Apparently there is little correlation between the health of Americans and the amount spent on health care.  Despite spending significantly more on health care than other similarly developed countries, America ranks dead last in categories such as infant mortality and life expectancy.  Americans consume more calories per capita than any other nation on planet Earth […]

Ford’s “Three Sluts In A Trunk” Ad Campaign

After all the horrendous publicity on how woman in India are violently mistreated and degraded, why would Ford give free reign to the Indian unit of Ford Motor to come up an ad campaign?  Aren’t the ad campaigns cleared by someone at the corporate offices who has a shred of sensitivity?  Apparently not, as Ford […]

Economic Enigma – High Unemployment, Low Incomes and Record Stock Prices

The stock market has been in recovery mode since early 2009 with stock prices more than doubling as the Dow Jones surges past 14,000. Americans have regained a substantial portion of the wealth that vanished during the initial years of the financial crisis.  A good portion of the increase of household net worth was based […]

787 Lithium Batteries – Boeing’s Horrific Error On Risk Of Meltdown

Boeing is widely regarded as the world’s leading aerospace company with a long tradition of innovation.  Planes such as the B-17 Flying Fortress lead us to victory in World War II and the majestic Boeing 747 used for presidential travel has become a global symbol of Boeing’s engineering and design excellence. The current problems with […]

How Did The Chinese Figure Out Stealth Technology So Quickly?

The United States spent decades and many billions of dollars figuring out how to make planes and ships invisible to  enemy radar.  The Chinese, by contrast, seem to have a knack at quickly figuring out the complexities of stealth technology and are rapidly deploying a new generation of stealth weapons as reported by Bloomberg. Chinese […]

Housing Prices – A Dead Decade For Price Appreciation

During the epic housing bubble,  people took if for granted that housing prices would continue to rise indefinitely.  By the time housing values peaked in 2006, prices had been in an almost vertical rise since 1998 and it was widely believed that you “can never go wrong buying a house.”  Home buyers’ perception of future […]

10 Colleges With Horrendously Low Graduation Rates

With the cost of college outside the reach of the average middle income family, more and more people are wondering if the cost of financing college is worth the investment.  We have all heard the numerous horror stories about students who graduate from college only to wind up working at low or minimum wage jobs […]

Best Buy Goes Nuclear On Prices – Does Amazon Still Have An Edge?

Best Buy has done the equivalent of declaring nuclear war on its competitors by offering to match the lowest price of any other bricks and mortar or internet retailer. Best Buy has long prided itself on staffing its stores with knowledgeable sales people who educate consumers on the vast display of products stocked in the […]

Police Lie Under Oath Because They Can

The United States carries the dubious distinction of imprisoning more of its citizens than any other country on earth.  While our ambassadors and Secretary of State roam the planet dispensing endless advice to other countries on how they can improve their societies, we remain blind to our own shortcomings on human rights. There is something […]